Bracing Information For Your Landscape Trees

Trees may add beauty to your yard, but they can also become a hazard. Leaning trees or those that topple over unexpectedly can cause major damage to your home and property, and sometimes they can even cause injuries to your family. Fortunately, bracing can help prevent issues. 

Why Trees Require Bracing

There are many reasons why a tree may need to be braced. Newly planted trees, especially larger ones, may require bracing for the first year or two after planting so that the roots have time to establish and anchor the tree. A tree may require permanent bracing in areas prone to high winds and storms or if flooding often loosens the soil that the roots are anchored in. A poor mature form may also lead to the need for a permanent or temporary brace, particularly if the tree has weak, shallow roots due to be planted in an area with poor soil or minimal space.

How to Determine If Your Trees Need Braces

An obvious sign that a tree can benefit from bracing is if it is leaning in one direction or otherwise seems unstable. You may also notice that the soil is churned up around the base of the tree after high winds. This churning is caused by the tree moving in the ground. If nothing is done, the tree may topple in a future storm. Trees with multiple trunks or splits in the trunk are also more prone to falling or splitting completely, so they can also benefit from brace installation.

Bracing Options for Your Trees

The type of bracing you choose depends on the reason for its installation. Young trees are typically braced with a single stake and cable. This method keeps the tree upright and in place while allowing it to move a bit so it will still form healthy anchoring roots. Trees with poorly angled branches or weak trunks may have bracing rods or trunk splints installed. These are bolted into place to give additional support to weak areas of the tree. Bracing rods are often permanent. Cabling may also be used to help hold up heavy branches or to support a trunk that is leaning. These cables can be temporary or permanent, depending on the specific issue.

Contact a tree service for more assistance when it comes to your trees. They can help determine if bracing is necessary and which methods would work best.
